what ecommerce platform does amazon use

Today, people give more importance to eCommerce platforms.Through which the people can buy and sell goods and services or transmitting funds or data. E-commerce transactions occur either as a  business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-business.It will draws on technologies like mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems.E-tailing or electronic retailing is the most common form of the business to customer(B2C) transaction. Retail businesses sell various products through physical locations like  a store or a chains of stores.

Amazon is one of the best online ecommerce platform now.It has crores of customers in worldwide,each customers enhance the chances of getting more profits.It provide different spaces for customers to sell products such as Amazon Marketplace, Amazon zShops or Amazon Auctions. In Marketplace,the  sellers offer goods at a fixed price, Amazon zShops provide only used goods at fixed prices, Auctions  sell their stuff to the highest bidder. This platform  invests heavily in its Supply Chain and it is considered as one of the best Supply Chains in the world. E-commerce sites has seven unique features as the Ubiquity, Global Reach, Universal Standards, Richness, Interactivity, Information Density, and Personalization. Amazon ecommerce platform works worldwide and delivers different products in global market.

 E-Commerce has an important  role in Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and so on.  It  allowed people to all over the world to start networking and share their interests.So, all of these social technologies are changing the customer experience for the better way.


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