VR Technologies Kerala

Virtual reality is a fast growing technique. Virtual Reality(VR) converts users imaginations into the real-time experiences. VR is a computer-generated environment which stimulates a person’s physical presence in a  environment that you can designed to feel real. Virtual reality should not be confused with simple 3-D environments like those found in computer games, where you get to experience and manipulate the computer environment rather than personally becoming part of the virtual world. You can experience the virtual word through virtual reality head sets.VR head sets blocks out all external light and shows the realtime view on high defenision screens infront of your eyes. A virtual reality headset is a heads-up display  that allows users to interact with designed environments and experience a first-person view . Virtual reality headsets replace the user’s natural environment with  virtual environment , such as a movie, a game or a prerecorded 360 degree environment. This allows the  user to turn and look around, just as in the physical world. The tatherd head Hardwares  are tradionally expensive,power consuming and bulky. Today, mobile VR headsets, which are basically  hold a smartphone, have allowed VR apps to spread into the consumer hand. The goal of each type of VR headset is to provide the viewer with an experience that is so real, the headset itself is forgotten. 

   Virtual reality startups are  came up in kerala with  such  new start-ups  that are changing the way humans interact with computers and enriching the real world. In kerala Virtual reality are mainly focusing on  education,architecture and fashion industries. For more


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