VR & AR & MR at Work: To Improve the Manufacturing Process

In the current highly competitive business and manufacturing industry is facing the constant challenge of producing innovative products at reduced time-to-market. Thus, manufacturing processes have to be more systematic in order to be  economically competitive. An innovative and effective solution to overcome these problems is the application of virtual reality (VR) ,augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality(MR) technologies to improve these manufacturing processes before they are carried out.

     Virtual ,Augmented and Mixed  reality technologies are starting to revolutionise complex product development and production processes. These are give manufacturers the ability to develop an unstoppable workforce. With advanced and accurate training along with employees having the ability to see exactly what needs to be done and how to accomplish the task, manufacturers have the potential to greatly increase their efficiency and productivity across the board. As these technologies become more affordable and easier to use we can expect to see these systems quickly catch on throughout modern manufacturing operations.

     In the context of manufacturing and product design Virtual Reality (VR) digitally simulates the environment, often with the user being able to interact and immerse themselves within it. With Augmented Reality (AR) the  information is projected on to a real world background, rather than a digitally simulated one like Virtual reality. From a product development perspective VR and AR help to refine and optimise designs at an early stage. Each and every concepts and options can be reviewed, adjusted and modified quickly. The digital models can also be virtually tested, analysed and simulated with tools like FEA and CFD. The result is rapid iterative design cycles and ultimately great products. Importantly you can get cross-functional team input, including potential clients.

we know that ,Ford was one of the first car manufacturers to utilize virtual reality in its processes. The company has employed dedicated virtual reality specialists for many years, and uses the technology in all aspects of its operations like design and build an entire care. Also this technology allows the designers to collaborate with each other across vast geographic distances. More  manufacturing and engineering businesses are realising what AR , VR and MR can do for them. Industry taking the advantage include aerospace, automotive, energy, defence and medical. Mixed reality also allows for the creation of virtual cues and instructions that other workers can follow. For more


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