
Showing posts from March, 2018

E-commerce Company

                                     Nowadays, new competitors rise up in the eCommerce business industry. E commerce companies  the importance of sending qualified traffic to their websites.  Each online store or eCommerce company website offer their services and features. The scope of eCommerce business is turning out to be more famous  to the market demand. The requirement is generating innovations worldwide focused on delivery time, ease of transactions and several features served by eCommerce businesses, for example, drone delivery or artificial intelligence. E commerce means electronic commerce,also known as an online store, an eCommerce website has features that make it easy for customers to browse for products, pick them out, put them into a trolley, and then pay for them at checkout.                          Today people are moving from physical stores to buy goods and services on the Internet. So, the eCommerce company sites provides its customers with data s

E-commerce websites

                                               An eCommerce website is a most important factor ,when running an e-commerce business. It is a gateway of  the business, from browsing the products to monitoring shipping data once they place their order. There are many  features that can help make an ecommerce website more user-friendly to customers and easy to manage.                                        Nowadays,  more and more people are purchasing products from their home or mobile device instead of driving to the store. So,ecommerce websites play an important role. An ecommerce site must have a top level domain with a secured connection,each and every websites serves a certain country, then must use a country code domain. Website should definitely let the customers register and login best to place this on the top bar for easy access. Sometimes, a customer may be interested in a product but decide to buy it later.  A wishlist allows them to store a list of these produ


                                                        Wix is one of world's leading online website builders with an integrated eCommerce module which combines out-of-the-box production functionalities with online performance management, and delivers in such way compact and modern stores for small and medium retailers. 3dcart, the award winning software boasts full-packed product plans that are cost effective as well as scalable so that it can grow with your business. Volusion is a very scalable eCommerce and Shopping Cart platform developed to enhance your business growth.                                               E commerce platform is considered as a software application that allows online business to manage websites, sales and operations. Nowadays, Ecommerce has emerged as the single biggest growth driver in the worldwide marketplace. Big Commerce offer the powerful features needed to run a business, while also integrating with common business tools — enablin

Multi channel E-commerce Platform

                                               In E-commerce industry ,multi channel platforms to reach more traffic and enhance the sales. The single channel platforms only reach small percentage of customers,but mutichannel listing reach larger customers into the industry.  The Companies can list on multiple channels typically earn more than those who limit selling to just one platform. Multi channel listing can help  business industry in two main ways; fist one is the ecommerce companies that list in multiple channels engage with more customers on a regular basis and consumers interact with a company through more than one channels buy more than single channel shoppers. In the competitive field,ecommerce entrepreneurs need to enhance their revenue and profits.While the multi channel listing they can gets more potential customers to the industry.                                          We know that, E-commerce platforms provide the facilities like online selling,shoppi

AI in E-commerce

                                               Artificial intelligence (AI)  technology is a creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. It is different from hardware-driven and robotic automation, perform instead of automating manual tasks with frequent, high-volume, computerized tasks reliably and without fatigue. Today the AI in practically all areas of business. With the current status of the online market place, the e-commerce has become more saturated and competitive, it needs to be faster and smarter. Artificial intelligence technologies will help  e-commerce companies with timely intelligence to help solve their business challenges.  If using Artificial intelligence,they  can identify who is most likely to buy their product or service.                                                     AI comes in, and it is changing up the online market place in a big way.The new marketing place will be able to focus on quality and directing more relevant a


Best online ecommerce platform now .It has crores of customers in worldwide,each customers enhance the chances of getting more profits.It provide different spaces for customers to sell products such as Amazon Marketplace, Amazon zShops or Amazon Auctions. In Marketplace,the sellers offer goods at a fixed price , Amazon zShops provide only used goods at fixed prices, Auctions sell their stuff to the highest bidder. This platform invests heavily in its Supply Chain and it is considered as one of the best Supply Chains in the world. E-commerce sites has seven unique features as the Ubiquity , Global Reach, Universal Standards, Richness, Interactivity, Information Density, and Personalization. Amazon ecommerce platform works worldwide and delivers different products in global market. A software application that allows online business to manage websites, sales and operations is termed as E commerce platform. There are many ways to classify different types of ecommerce platforms


Wix is one of world's leading online website builders with an integrated eCommerce module which combines out-of-the-box production functionalities with online performance management, and delivers in such way compact and modern stores for small and medium retailers. 3dcart, the award winning software boasts full-packed product plans that are cost effective as well as scalable so that it can grow with your business. Volusion is a very scalable eC ommerce and Shopping Cart platform developed to enhance your business growth. E commerce platform is considered as a software application that allows online business to manage websites, sales and operations. Nowadays, Ecommerce has emerged as the single biggest growth driver in the worldwide marketplace. Big Commerce offer the powerful features needed to run a business , while also integrating with common business tools — enabling businesses to centralize their operations and run their business their way, which is an E


One of the attractive, feature-rich, fully-customizable ecommerce solution that distinguishes itself from other solutions by offering additional services like digital marketing , customer support, development and more to their clients. It's these offerings the make PinnacleCart a truly full service solution for growing businesses is the pinnacle cart.It includes several advantages such as it provide Easy and fast set up of a very beautiful and responsive store . Have the capability to Import catalogues, even large ones, easily and quickly. We can get powerful marketing features , easy to use reports, and run your own payment gateway etc. E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services and the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, which include business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-business. Business to business e-commerce is considered as vital to the global economy. B2B is focussed on s

World Fastest Growing ecommerce platforms and market Trends::::::

E-commerce is a transaction of buying or selling online. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce , electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing , online transaction processing , electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction's life cycle although it may also use other technologies such as e-mail. E-commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet. These business transactions occur either as business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-business. The terms e-commerce and e-business are often used interchangeably . Future Trends:   Turning Challenge Into Opportunity   Social Commerce   Compellin

What VR can Teach a Driveless Car

                                        Virtual reality is a trending technology, which takes us to experience anything, anywhere, anytime. For experiencing Virtual reality, we need a virtual world. Virtual reality requires  many of our senses as possible to be simulated. These senses include vision, hearing, touch, and more. VR can include five senses, including vision, hearing, touch and possibly even smell. With this power, Virtual reality can take people for a virtual world fairly easily. virtual reality takes our brain into believing you are in a 3D world. With the stereoscopic display , the process begins.                                      Today ,automakers uses Virtual reality applications in manufacturing and designing process of vehicles. Autonomous cars are equipped with Virtual reality technology . Major  car making companies are testing autonomous car software within virtual reality simulations of cities. The VR drive less cars makes even smarter and s

Industrial IoT Training, Course in Kerala & Certified Internet of Things Expert.

Internet of Things (IOT) certification consists of industry standard course which includes not only theoretical understanding of the different sensors, cloud platform and gateways, but also hands-on integration of IoT components with Cloud platform . With the help of this course Enzapps provides , you can gain in-depth knowledge of IoT applications and can build your own end-to-end solutions. The Internet of Things (IoT) is considered as a new era in science and technology , which will forever change our personal as well as professional lives. IoT extends computing and Internet connectivity from the most used devices like desktop and portable computers, smartphones and tablets to various variants of devices and everyday things, which is the attractive training course we are choosed to be in Enzapps .The data captured on these devices through sensors reveals interesting patterns with latent business values The ‘ Internet of Things ’ ( IoT ) is a term coined to desc

Industrial Python Training, Course in Kerala & Become a certified Python Expert.

                                            The eventual fate of Python : Concurrency ate up, Node.js next on menu Programming dialect continues getting fatter in the midst of clumsy variant 3 split.  Despite the fact that scarcely a draw for a general intrigue gathering of people, the theme – an examination of multithreaded and multiprocess programming systems – ends up being integral to the eventual fate of Python.                                       Since 2008, the Python people group has endeavored to accommodate contradiction between Python 2 and recently presented Python 3.  For quite a long time, reception of Python 3 was moderate and some even set out to recommend Python didn't have a future. As late as a year ago, Zed Shaw, a proficient engineer and creator of the well known Learn Python the Hard Way, even dared to opine, "There is a high likelihood that Python 3 is such a disappointment it will slaughter Python." In spite of these

Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Training, Become a VR/AR Developer

                                          Virtual-Reality (VR) is the use of  computer technology to create a simulated environment.  Unlike traditional user interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds. By simulating as many senses as possible, such as vision, hearing, touch, even smell, the computer is transformed into a gatekeeper to this artificial world. The only limits to near-real VR experiences are the availability of content and cheap computing power.                               Virtual Reality’s most immediately recognizable component is the head-mounted display (HMD). Human beings are visual creatures, and  display technology  is often the single biggest difference between immersive Virtual Reality systems and traditional user interfaces. For instance, CAVE automatic virtual environments actively display virtual content onto room-sized screens. While th